
8 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

Are you waking up to itchy bites on your skin? The ones that tend to take days to go away? They could very well be bed bugs. Now they aren’t to be confused with dust mites. Dust mites are parasitic in nature and extremely small and resemble...

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Sleeping With Your Pets – And Why You Shouldn’t

So you allow your pet to sleep with you in your bed? It's likely that most people do as their pets are after all family members. It feels comforting knowing your dog or cat is close by or on the bed while you sleep, and they are enjoying the benefits of a...

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25th Birthday Celebration – Grand Prize Draw

It's not every day you get to give away a car. Well, on 15 September 2018, that is exactly what we did. On 15 September 2015, The Mattress King held their and Grand Prize draw to celebrate their 25th Birthday, where a number of lucky people won base sets and one lucky...

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Why You Can’t Get Your Teen Out Of Bed In The Morning!

“MAKING teens start school in the morning is ‘cruel’, brain doctor claims.” So declared a British newspaper headline in 2007. Over a decade on there is growing acceptance that the structure of the academic day needs to take account of adolescent sleep patterns. The...

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6 Ways To Recognize Burnout And How To Avoid It

Burnout is a less commonly recognized ailment than the common cold, however often the symptoms are misdiagnosed as a common cold or flu. It’s the tired, worn out feeling that the onset of flu can create. But not always is that the case. Of course, people can...

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Benefits Of Drinking Water Before Bed

There are numerous benefits of drinking water, from keeping healthy and hydrated to clearing up acne. You may already be getting some of these benefits without even knowing it. Water contains many valuable minerals and nutrients that your body needs to function...

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How Reading Before Bed Improves Sleep Quality

Now, this is no thumb suck as a reason for writing another blog. There’s merit to reading at night before bedtime. We have put together a little list or reasons for getting into this habit, or, if you already are in the habit, it just confirms why you’re so smart!...

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Top 5 Foods To Avoid Before Bed Time

In previous articles written here on the Mattress King websitesite, we have discussed various reasons why certain people struggle to enjoy a good night’s sleep. There are many reasons; some being medical which we don’t delve much into as it’s not our expertise, and...

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Where In The World Did Waterbeds Go?

You may remember if you’re old enough, what waterbeds were like. We are reminded of a story told by one of our customers. One time he remembered showing off to a girl that he would “pop” a water bed with his butterfly knife. He whipped it out of his pocket and...

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How To Effectively Use Wood In The Bedroom

What are the warmest finishes for interiors? Well, we think wood wins the prize in this department. Wood can take on the form of many characteristics, such as raw finishes, original beams and solid furniture made either look well-kept or worn – the latter...

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The Mattress King