
No matter where you live, what you do, or what you believe, “sleep” is one of the most important aspects of everyday routine. Human beings are not robots. We need breaks to get refreshed and rejuvenated for the next day. Especially when someone is travelling and wants to enjoy a vacation without feelings of drowsiness and fatigued, it is of great importance to get enough sleep.

However, some people who suffer from travel anxiety often complain that they can’t sleep while travelling and find themselves trapped in “travel insomnia”. If you have the same problem, don’t worry, this article will provide you with some great advice to prepare for your next long trip.

Booking That Seat

This article is assuming that you are travelling abroad, in which case it’s a really good idea to check in early and book a seat that will make your environment a little more relaxed. Some popular flights are almost impossible to book your favoured seat on the plane, but there are some things to consider. Look for an exit row that gives you that added leg room. You may be instructed on how to open the door in case of an emergency, but the added leg room makes a huge difference.

If you can’t get the exit row, try an aisle seat in the shorter rows, or if it’s a centre row which generally holds 4 seats, look for centre seats that haven’t yet been booked, and grab an aisle seat. This gives you an empty seat next to you. People tend to gravitate towards emptier areas, so the chances are less likely that someone will book right next to you in the centre aisle unless they really have to.

Arriving On Time

Ok so everyone knows that arriving on time is crucial for obvious reasons. So getting enough proper sleep the night before your travels will make sure you are alert and focused. But for a lot of people, not getting sufficient sleep the night before is common, and this is due to reasons such as travel anxiety; not being prepared enough; assuming that you have time to pack in the morning and so on. So the first step is to make sure you are well prepared before you even think of getting into bed. Your bag should be pretty much packed and zipped up ready to go, even if your flight is only at lunchtime. 

Sleep Aids

Load some meditation music onto your listening device. Studies show that meditation music recorded at certain frequencies “force” the brain into a sleep state, beginning with the beta frequency, then theta which is your deeper sleep state. You may even find yourself feeling quite rejuvenated after your sleep.

Take a good book with. This will not only assist in passing the time but generally, people reading a book in bed at night tend to fall asleep faster. The same may be applied during a long flight. 

Bring along your travel pillow. Having said that, most good flight companies have accessories on the seat that support your head and neck and allows you to adjust the flaps on either side of your head for better support. At least you know you won’t have someone drooling on your shoulder while murmuring weird things into your ear. 

Eating healthy

While in-flight food isn’t the best, flight companies have certainly jacked themselves up when it comes to presentation and selection. But in between connecting flights, it’s wise to choose food that will help with energy and easy digestion. Travelling to foreign countries where the food isn’t what you are used to can have an effect on your digestion and make you feel uncomfortable.

Remember to stay hydrated! This is extremely important in regulating your body’s temperature; cleansing your liver; aids in digestion and improves circulation. So be sure to carry a big water bottle with you.

Dress Up Comfortably

It’s one thing to arrive wearing your best, it’s another being uncomfortable because of fashion choices. Even celebrities know that dressing comfortably for long flights is better than looking ready for the paparazzi upon arrival. After all, tracksuits can still look fashionable. 


If you have the time to fit in a light workout prior to your trip, then give it a try. Otherwise do it the night before, as this helps in blood circulation and the correct release of hormones that will get you into sleep mode faster when feeling relaxed.

Medicated Sleep

This is certainly a last resort, and given that we are not qualified to give medical advice, some exceptions can be made. Instead of taking prescription drugs to knock you out like a blow from Mike Tyson, instead, try natural remedies. One that we can suggest is a Melatonin supplement. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in the centre of the brain, but studies have shown that including Melatonin as a supplement helps in better regulating sleep and wake cycles. It is also used to treat or prevent jet lag. And given that it’s a natural supplement, it shouldn’t be a problem taking it on board with you. 

*Before you consider any supplements or drugs, please consult with your doctor for the best advice*

The Mattress King