
As a bed company, back pain is something that comes up in conversations with our customer’s fairly regularly. Of course as a bed company we do look at the type of mattress they use and what they could switch to in order to reduce/prevent the discomfort they experience every day.

As a bed company, back pain is something that comes up in conversations with our customer’s fairly regularly. Of course as a bed company we do look at the type of mattress they use and what they could switch to in order to reduce/prevent the discomfort they experience every day.

We do however realize that a lot of the symptoms are physical. Upon further research, we discovered that lower back pain affects an estimated 80% of people at some point in their life.

While injuries and accidents can understandably cause lower back pain, is it possible that your lower back pain is caused by poor sleep habits? Waking up with lower back pain is real, and here’s what it might mean. People who wake up with lower back pain every morning may suffer from one of the following common causes of back pain: Disc degeneration Trauma to the spine Scoliosis Spinal stenosis Sciatica Musculoskeletal issues Fibromyalgia Pregnancy Treating any of these conditions (pregnancy is understandable) can help you reduce the chances of you waking up with lower back pain. We will attempt to dissect this list.

Disc degeneration

Disc Degeneration is a common cause of lower back pain every morning. In this condition, the intervertebral discs that cushion each vertebrae against their neighbours begins to wear out over time. This degeneration can cause misalignment of the spine or rubbing and inflammation around the bone. Both of these things can cause back pain in the morning.

Trauma to the spine

Any sprain or fracture in the back can intensify after a night of sleep. Tiny fractures in the spine are referred to as isthmic spondylolisthesis, but trauma from things like Whiplash due to car accidents can also cause more back pain in the morning.


Between five and seven million people in the U.S. may be waking up with lower back pain due to Scoliosis. This curvature of the spine varies in severity but may feature back pain in the morning that then goes away over the course of the day.

Spinal stenosis

Spinal Stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal column due to age or injury. The earliest stages of this condition can cause considerable back pain upon waking as the spinal column presses on the nerves in and around the spine.


Sciatica is the name doctors use for a specific pain that involves the sciatic nerve. This pain has many different causes, but similar characteristics as it occurs. The sciatic nerve runs from the back of the buttocks on both sides of the body, down the hip, and into the foot. It is the longest nerve in the body. Sciatic pain can be excruciating, running the length of this nerve. It’s also often accompanied by tingling in the leg, foot, and toes. Many who suffer from sciatic pain wake up with debilitating lower back pain every morning.

Musculoskeletal issues

From muscular aches and pains to bumps and bruises, that extra session with the trainer (or the shovel in the garden) may have you feeling your lower back the next morning.


Fibromyalgia is a chronic, widespread connective tissue (fascia) disorder that causes pain, fatigue, and cognitive challenges. The cause of Fibromyalgia is not well known, but one thing is: waking up with lower back pain is a regular part of the morning for those who suffer from it.


Of all of the causes of lower back pain the morning, pregnancy at least may be one with an end in sight. Carrying a developing baby for 9 months places strain on the lower back. This strain can cause pain in the morning (and even all night). The inactivity of a full night of lying down can cause tightness and stiffness, regardless of the initial cause of back pain. Muscles may be tight, and old injuries or back pain conditions may make themselves known as the sun rises. In many cases, movement as the morning progresses eases the pain a bit, but for some, the first few moments of the day can be excruciating. In the next segment of this article, we will discuss some methods on relieving your back pain. Of course, its worth mentioning we aren’t doctors or experts in this field. It would be wise to consult a specialist if you are suffering from chronic back pain.

The Mattress King