
Studies have shown that a sound night’s sleep increases energy and production. Not too surprising however, women tend to get less sleep than men do, and we’re not even talking about looking after your newborn. Generally there are certain habits that we form, without being fully aware of it, that impact on our sleep quality. What we intend to provide in this article, are pointers to consider to get you closer to that heavenly nights rest that will have you waking up feeling energized and ready to take on the day.

Here’s 7 helpful pointers on how to improve your sleep quality.

Studies have shown that a sound night’s sleep increases energy and production. Not too surprising however, women tend to get less sleep than men do, and we’re not even talking about looking after your newborn. Generally there are certain habits that we form, without being fully aware of it, that impact on our sleep quality. What we intend to provide in this article, are pointers to consider to get you closer to that heavenly nights rest that will have you waking up feeling energized and ready to take on the day. 

Here they are:

1. Set a sleeping schedule, and stick to it

If you do only one thing to improve your sleep, set a schedule and stick to it as best as possible. Reason for this is that your body’s clock begins getting used to the new pattern and already starts preparing itself for sleep soon before you are ready to get into bed. Same with when you get up. I know of people that even stick to this routine on weekends. Of course there are certain exceptions to the rule. 

TIP: Take your time in the wind-down process when you get ready for bed. 

2. Exercise, but not within 4 hours of going to sleep

Exercise releases certain chemicals in the body such as Serotonin and Dopamine which provide various benefits to the body. It is associated with focus, mood stabilizing and reduces feelings of depression. All of which are excellent, however, stimulating the body too close to bed time effects the brains ability to release melatonin in sufficient doses without resistance from other chemicals still active in the system.

3. Get some Melatonin from the health shop

The body naturally releases this chemical from the Pineal Gland in the brain. It is also known as the hormone of darkness. It is also an important antioxidant crucial in fighting many serious diseases. Normal production only occurs when the eyes remain in darkness, ie night time with the lights off.  Sometimes supplementing the brain with an additional controlled dose can help the chemical achieve its function. 

4. Electronic stimulation

Ok, so we are all guilty of this. Watching TV until its bed time, or sitting at night in bed staring into our phones while we scroll through Facebook, even the night lamp beside your bed can have an impact on sleep patterns since the artificial lights delay the release of Melatonin in the brain. Some may argue however that watching TV helps them sleep. Either way, it is suggested to limit your exposure to such artificial light stimulation at night. 

5. Lights to set the mood

Blue light that is emitted from various electronic devices such as smart phones, lights and TV, effects our Circadian biological clock, especially at night, according to recent research. The Circadian Clock is responsible for regulating the timing of sleepiness and wakefulness periods. This is usually experienced at various intervals, particularly during the day when we need to remain awake and alert. Healthy sleeping patterns alleviate these effects. The best lighting to have in your bedroom are red and orange tinted lights. Blue and green lights stimulate the brain, telling the clock to adjust the body for day time patterns. This will most certainly effect how we sleep.

6. Your brain can’t switch off!

This is possibly one of the most common complaints, and should probably be point number one. You’re exhausted from a busy day of work, gym and playing mommy/daddy. The moment your head hits that pillow, your brain just wakes up! Like a stuck record player it thinks of all the things you had done that day and then what needs to be done tomorrow. We suggest grabbing that notepad and a pen and jot down everything that is on your mind. Call it a journal if you like, but this certainly helps in writing down info you’re worried about forgetting, and allows your mind to relax. Give it a try!

7. Is your partner being a pain in the neck?

That is possible! However it most likely has to do with a bed that does not agree with your posture and sleeping patterns. All too often customers walk into a bed store looking for a new bed, trying out a few types and then deciding for themselves whether its suitable or not. More often than not, within a short time frame the “happy customer” isn’t so happy anymore as they begin experiencing neck and back pains. It is also up to the stores’ staff to be a) professionally trained and b) to actually assist in the process of picking out the best option.

Since you will spend on average 26 years of your life sleeping, it is crucial to find a comfortable bed that supports your body! The Mattress King holds a large selection of quality beds designed around exceptional comfort, body support, turn free, Aloe treated and more. 

What The Mattress King uniquely offers all their customers, is their very own Sleep Laboratory. Never know what bed to choose? This free service provides state of the art technology to predetermine sleep positions, patterns and contours. With that information, and in-depth knowledge of the variety of brands we stock, we can easily narrow the selection down and introduce you to a suitable bed. Pretty clever stuff! 

Realistically there is an extensive list of reasons that can result in lack of quality sleep. Some of which are based on health related issues which is in itself a very broad topic. We hope however that with some simple adjustments, you will achieve that heavenly sleep we all so dearly need and enjoy!


The Mattress King