
In following to our previous blog, Does Making Your Bed Lead To A Happier Life?  We can certainly tell you what makes our customers happy – a good nights’ sleep in a comfy bed! And take it from us, we know – after all, It’s our business to know.

A spin-off from that article, however, is about being organized. As much as our game is beds and we love talking about beds, we are also a business and in order for any business to be successful, it needs to be methodic and organized. 

There are many benefits to running an organized schedule, and being a business we can totally relate. Given that we have 26 years under the belt, and believe us it hasn’t been easy, being organized is a sure fire way to reaching your goals – even if there are a few hurdles and failures along the way. It’s all part of the journey and there are lots of lessons learnt.

So as a family business, we would like to share some key points that we feel are paramount to running an organized ship.

In following to our previous blog, Does Making Your Bed Lead To A Happier Life?  We can certainly tell you what makes our customers happy – a good nights’ sleep in a comfy bed! And take it from us, we know – after all, It’s our business to know.
A spin-off from that article, however, is about being organized. As much as our game is beds and we love talking about beds, we are also a business and in order for any business to be successful, it needs to be methodic and organized. There are many benefits to running an organized schedule, and being a business we can totally relate. Given that we have 26 years under the belt, and believe us it hasn’t been easy, being organized is a sure fire way to reaching your goals – even if there are a few hurdles and failures along the way. It’s all part of the journey and there are lots of lessons learnt.So as a family business, we would like to share some key points that we feel are paramount to running an organized ship.

1. Write Things Down

Picture this scenario: Exhausted after a long day, you get into your bed, the one you bought from The Mattress King after trying out our in-store Sleep Laboratory. You just know that you’re going to fall right to sleep. After a few minutes, your brain kicks into overdrive. Yep, everything you don’t want to think about comes to the front of your mind. Things like the meeting you had today, and what your boss wants on his desk by 10am tomorrow. 

Now your mind is running through all the points you need to add to that report. Don’t forget you need to get to the pharmacy before you head to your son’s rugby game at 15:15. Worried you’re going to forget something? Write it down! Keep a little notebook beside your bed where you can quickly jot down all the things that come to mind. 

2. Make Schedules And Deadlines

Have you noticed how some people seem so structured and focused? They write things down. They set dates and time frames in which to complete a task and endeavour to see it through. Deadlines and goals are the focal point and there’s a structure to the task at hand. In their minds, nothing else is as important to getting the task done. Sure, sometimes there are situations that call for immediate attention, such as your dog who got out of the yard again and you have to go find him. A task then would be to get that fence sorted out during the weekend!

A side note would be not to focus too much on something that has a 12-month deadline, like moving house at the end of the year to a better neighbourhood. 

3. Don’t Procrastinate

With that said, I think most people suffer from this from time to time. Others actually struggle on a daily basis and even though they know what needs to be done, there is often some reason not to get it done within the time frame. Perhaps the task may seem daunting. So what we suggest is to simplify the task into smaller time frames. Say within the hour, to get A and B done, as opposed to A, B, C, D, E and F. 

This may take some getting used to at first, but once you get into a routine of doing this, it should become second nature. This way you are programming your mind to see the bigger picture, but then breaking it down into simpler, more manageable tasks without the overwhelm from the bigger picture. 

TOP TIP: To refrain from getting distracted, put your phone out of the line of sight so that you’re not tempted to check it when you get a notification from Facebook or an email that doesn’t need immediate attention. Emails are just that – a point of contact that can be attended to at some point.

4. Everything Should Have A Place

Clutter! Stuff gets everywhere, especially if you’re working in a fast-paced environment. Tasks come faster than you can get them done! Having a place for such items that require attention can be categorized into order of importance. Just don’t forget to check your tray. When it comes to email, a quick glance at the sender or subject and you can determine its importance. Flag things that require more pressing attention, and set a time delegated to emails. 

Another tip, be sure to de-clutter regularly, never label things at miscellaneous. You will never get it done!

5. Keep Only What You Need

Holding onto things adds to clutter. This doesn’t just relate to your work environment, but your home as well. We know all too well how quickly we can hoard belongings. As a personal rule of thumb, if it hasn’t been used at all in 6 months, chances are you don’t need it. Now that doesn’t go for all your belongings. You may only use your jet ski during summer, so in winter its covered and kept out of the way. Just don’t forget to service it!

De-cluttering your space not only has a physical impact in terms of the space around you but mentally as well. After a good de-clutter session, you may actually feel lighter, as if you have more room to breathe. 

6. Delegate Responsibilities

Feel like you have too much on your plate? How about delegating? That could be your subordinates at work or even your kids. Delegating creates a sense of teamwork, and much more can get done in a shorter space of time. Everyone involved will share a sense of accomplishment.

And lastly,

7. Work Hard

Seems so cliché doesn’t it? However, there is merit in these simple words. Deciding what your goals are, setting out small productive tasks with time frames, de-cluttering your space and removing distractions will allow you to get focused and remain focused on the tasks at hand. Naturally, the by-product will be to work hard. 

With that said, please don’t forget to take a breather and down the tools to recover after a hard days’ work. Whether your job is physical or mental, either way, it consumes energy. We are not machines, we need to remember to be kind to ourselves and allow that time to relax.

The Mattress King